Henry Ayetse
Henry Ayetse
Municipal Director of Education


The Education department of the GA South municipal assembly primarily assists in the formulation and implementation of policies on education in the Assembly within the framework of national policies and guidelines. It also has an advisory role in the Assembly on matters relating to pre-school, primary, Junior High Schools in the Metropolis and other matters that may be referred to it by the Assembly.

The core function of the Directorate is to implement the mission of Ghana Education Service and curriculum. It has been the responsibility of the Directorate to ensure good quality education, access to education and equitable distribution and/or the provision of school infrastructure by playing the following functions:

1. Developing development plans in order to set the development agenda for education in the Municipality through needs assessment.
2. Monitoring the trend of growth of education in terms of academic performance.
3. Meeting the needs of education in the Municipality by collecting and analyzing data on educational activities.
4. Overseeing equitable distribution of teaching and non-teaching personnel in the Municipality.
5. Planning and implementation of training programmes and workshops such as INSETS.
6. Training in the use of education intervention programmes and techniques such as TCAI.
7. Ensuring the maximization and efficient use of available Human Resources for education delivery within the Municipal.
8. Ensuring good school environment, gender and geographical equality in terms of access and quality of education in the Municipality.
9. Coordinating the activities of private schools and other education related activities undertaken by NGOs and individuals within the Municipality.
10. Supervision of teaching and learning in all schools through regular monitoring.
11. Appraising and recommending teachers due for promotion.
12. Preparation of budgets and action plans for implementation.
13. Ensuring proper functioning of SMCs/PTAs and School Boards.
14. Conducting regular payroll audits in schools to streamline staffing.
15. Supervising the distribution of logistics and study materials to schools.
16. Coordinating and supervising activities of special needs educators in the Municipality.

The department also encourages and reports on implementation of policies and matters relating to basic education in accordance with report format provided by the minister.

Phone: +233 (0)26 675 3639
Email: education@gsma.gov.gh