Metropolitan Municipal District Assemblies (MMDAs) are mandated by the Marriage Act 1884 – 1985 to Register and Officiate Marriage. The Marriage Registry of the Ga South Municipal Assembly commenced its operations in September, 2018.

The Unit renders services such as ordinance and customary marriages

(i) Ordinance Marriage (Cap 27) Couples from gazetted churches are registered and given a 21-day notice, which is later given to their Ministers at their respective churches for publication. Upon maturity (after the 21 Days’ notice), either of the couples returns for the Registrar’s Certificate. Couples whose churches are not gazetted or couples who want to sign at the Registry of the Assembly are given a date, usually Fridays to come along with their witnesses. A ceremony is performed; couples are made to exchange vows and rings and later append their signatures after which a certificate of marriage is presented to the couples. This is similar to what is normally done in churches.

(ii) Customary Marriage Customary Marriage certificates are also issued to couples who prefer the customary to the ordinance. Couples are also given 21 Days period after which they are issued out with Marriage Certificate.(Customary Marriage)