UNICEF Ghana has been working with the government of Ghana to achieve a common goal for all Children, it is expected that, girls and boys in Ghana especially the most disadvantage, will increasingly benefit from improved, accessible, responsive, and integrated social service at the sub-national level through the strengthening of social welfare workforce.
The rationale for strengthening the delivery of integrated social services is to help address multi-dimensional poverty and vulnerability, with a strong focus on promoting linkages between health, child protection, sexual and gender-based violence, and social protection services. As part of their plan there was a joint visit by UNICEF-Ghana and Japanese Embassy to Ghana to the Ga South Municipal assembly to have a firsthand observation on our child protection toolkits.
The community that child protection engagement was carried out was at Domeabra Community with a total membership of Fifty-three(53) females and three(3) males. The topic for discussion was physical and verbal abused. The session was an interactive one with community members contributing and pledging their allegiance not to abuse their children physically and verbally. Some sample photos from the engagement. Officers from UNICEF and Japanese Embassy and staff of GasMA- SWCD